In 1971 on this day, Henry T. Sampson, Jr, an African American, received a patent for co-inventing the gamma-electric cell, a technology that converts gamma rays into electricity.
William Wells Brown publishes ‘Clotel, or The President’s Daughter: A Narrative of Life in the United States. It is considered the first novel by a Black person.
Legendary Jazz trumpeter Louis ‘Satchmo’ Armstrong died on this day in 1971 in New York City.
Nyasaland proclaims independence from Britain on this day in 1964, adopting the new name Malawi.
On this day in 1853, perhaps the largest and most representative of the National Black Conventions was held in Rochester, NY.
The South Carolina House became the first and only legislature to have a black majority, 87 blacks to 40 whites in 1868.