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Akwasi Osei

Updated: Jan 2, 2023

Singer, songwriter and the Queen of Hip Hop Soul, Mary Jane Blige, was born on this day in 1971 in New York City.


History was made on this day in 1988 in the publication Newsweek when Anthropologists put forth that ‘Mitochondrial Eve’ was the mother of all modern humans. This was based on work done in East Africa. In other words, all humanity originated out of Africa.


On this day in 1961, on the campus of the University of Georgia, a riot ensued when two Black students attempted to enroll. Charlayne Hunter and Hamilton Holmes were later allowed to enroll by court order.


“Now there's another notion that gets out, it's around everywhere. It's in the South, it's in the North, it's In California, and all over our nation. It's the notion that legislation can't solve the problem, it can't do anything in this area. And those who project this argument contend that you've got to change the heart and that you can't change the heart through legislation. Now I would be the first one to say that there is real need for a lot of heart changing in our country, and I believe in changing the heart. I preach about it. I believe in the need for conversion in many instances, and regeneration, to use theological terms. And I would be the first to say that if the race problem In America is to be solved, the white person must treat the Negro right, not merely because the law says it, but because it's natural, because It's right, and because the Negro is his brother. And so I realize that if we are to have a truly integrated society, men and women will have to rise to the majestic heights of being obedient to the unenforceable.
But after saying this, let me say another thing which gives the other side, and that is that although it may be true that morality cannot be legislated, behavior can be regulated. Even though it may be true that the law cannot change the heart, it can restrain the heartless. Even though it may be true that the law cannot make a man love me, it can restrain him from lynching me. And I think that's pretty important also. And so while the law may not change the hearts of men, it can and it does change the habits of men. And when you begin to change the habits of men, pretty soon the attitudes will be changed; pretty soon the hearts will be changed. And I'm convinced that we still need strong civil rights legislation. And there is a bill before Congress right now to have a national or federal Open Housing Bill. A federal law declaring discrimination in housing unconstitutional."



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