October 18, 2021
John Chavis

On this day in 1763, John Chavis was born free. He became a Presbyterian minister and is suspected to be the first Black person to graduate from college.
Also on this day

Wynton Marsalis, the great Jazz and classical musician, was born on this day in 1961 in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Sister President Johnetta Betsch Cole was born on this day in 1936. She was a professor of Anthropology for decades, became the President of two major HBCUs, Spellman College and Bennet College, and eventually Director of the Smithsonian Institution’s Museum of African Art.

At the 1968 Olympic games, long jumper Bob Beamon set a record that was to stay for decades. On this day he jumped 29 feet, 2.5 inches.

Actor, singer, lawyer Paul Robeson on this day in 1945 was honored with the NAACP Spingarn Medal for his work and activism on behalf of Black people.

Rock and Roll pioneer and singer Charles ‘Chuck’ Edward Berry was born on this day 1926 in San Jose, California.

Mozambique former President Samora Machel was assassinated by the South African Apartheid regime. His plane was brought down on this day in 1986.