December 23, 2021
Madame C.J Walker

On this day in 1867, Madame C.J Walker, (at birth Sarah Breedlove), was born in Delta, Louisiana. She was an entrepreneur, philanthropist, and social activist. She is reportedly the first Black woman to be worth millions.
Also on this day

Henry Highland Garnet was born into slavery on this day in 1815 in Kent County, Maryland. He escaped through the Underground Railroad with his family, finally settling in New York City. He was educated in the African Free School, and gradually became a voice for abolitionism and freedom. He was famous for a speech he gave in 1843, ‘Call to Rebellion’, that encouraged the enslaved to turn against their masters. He eventually moved to Liberia, where he died.

On this day in 1990, America buried the first significant stock car (NASCAR) race driver, Wendell Oliver Scott.